Tips For Cleaning Fabric Bedhead That Has A Stain From Being In Long Term Storage

A headboard adds more beauty to your bedroom furniture. If you have an upholstered headboard with your bed then it also gives you a comfortable and luxurious life. To maintain its condition deep cleaning of bed heads is very important.

Your furniture in your bedroom will look incomplete without a headboard. It mostly gets dirty with the regular touch of hair and skin. The skin oil, sweating, makeup, and other hair products slowly gather in the fabric of your bedhead. 

So let’s learn about the maintenance tips of bed heads and cleaning of common stains for instance bed head Anti-Allergen Cleaning and bed head Mould Removal keeping in mind about the care of some specific fabric:-

1. Tools And The Supplies Needed For Cleaning Of The Bedhead

You will require a vacuum cleaner with a cleaning characteristic and an upholstery brush, a fabric cleaner spray, and baking soda with white vinegar. The refined form of water, a gentle detergent, and moisturizing soap. Baby powder, dried white cloths and paper towels, a bucket so that the cleaning solution will be mixed well, your favourite essential oil for fragrance.

2. Cleaning Method For Velvet Bed Heads

A velvet headboard will always add more beauty to your furniture. You can enjoy it for a longer time by taking some extra care of it. First, take out the extra moisture with a paper towel or a completely dry piece of cloth. Dab the stain with a mild detergent mixed with water and apply the foam to the stain slowly. You can also try mixing lemon juice with baking soda so that a foamy texture will be made. Never rub it on the stain rather go for straight movements. Blot the area with the adry cloth. Dry the area speedily by using a hairdryer. Avoid direct sunlight if your velvet bedhead is bright in colour.

3. Cleaning A Wool Bed Head

Natural fabric wool is usually preferred in cold weather. It is warm and soft in touch. It is unaffected by wrinkling and fading. Wool is mixed with synthetic so that its cleaning will become easier. Always check the label of your headboard before cleaning. You can go for methods such as steam cleaning, as cleaning of these by making them wet will not be an acceptable way.

4. Cleaning a suede headboard

It is a soft fabric and is more open to collect dust particles as compared to leather. The upholstery brush of your vacuum cleaner can remove the dust and debris easily from your suede bedhead.

Work in circular motions with the gentle suede brush of your vacuum. Mix the water and any gentle detergent into the bucket. Stir up the water to make foam. Take a white cloth and apply this foam to the suede bedhead and dab the stain gently. You can perform this process if required. After that take a clean white cloth and dry the area.

The different kinds of suede upholstery will respond differently to the cleaning products so it is better to check with a small patch test before on any hidden area of your bedhead.

5. How to clean a linen bedhead

Linen is well known as brown. It dries very slowly. For the cleaning of linen bedhead Vacuum deeply. Blot the stain immediately with a white piece of cloth. Clean with gentle soap, water, and white cloth. Sofa steam cleaning with your vacuum is the best option. Keep the room well ventilated by opening the windows and doors. Let the headboards dry completely to prevent the growth of mould. It is important to know that different suede upholstery will react differently to cleaning detergents, so always spot test on a hidden area first.

6. Cleaning of a leather bedhead

It is good to see the manufacturer’s label first for any details about the cleaning of a leather bedhead. The most common method is to start by vacuuming the leather headboard. The soft brush of the vacuum will remove all the dust and hair. For the removal of dirt and grime, wash the area with some water and a bar of moisturizing soap. The cloth should not be drenched but slightly damp so the surface will be spared from being wet. 

The other self-made solution is a very general cleaning of the leather headboard with a mixture of 50/50 white vinegar and distilled water. Scrub the surface lightly. The last step is to clean the leather with a clean soft cloth and polish the leather.

Get to Know Us As Upholstery Cleaners

We have several cleaning ideas for different types of general cleaning of double bed heads. We have had clients with us for over 7 years. We continue to give them our excellent services in bed heads sanitizing and bed heads cover cleaning so they are still connected with us. It is wise to choose the cleaning services for your bedhead carefully. Our professionals will monitor your upholstery-related issues routinely. They will make strategies such as bed heads steam cleaning to prevent any kind of loss for your bedroom furniture in the future. Check out our blog titled Why Should You Clean Your Upholstery.

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